Annapolis Family Portrait Session - Downs Park, Pasadena, MD
I was checking Facebook one night and saw a post by Beth Meadows, a fellow teacher from work, she had posted request for recommendations for a local photographer. I went to post and to my pleasant surprise another fellow teacher has told her to look me up! Thanks Kevin! Later that week she contacted me about a family portrait session. We spoke on the phone a few times and found a great place that her son Ayden could place and have some fun. I met up with Beth, Shad and Ayden at Downs Park in Pasadena, MD. I like to allow the family to just have fun and I just set up some shots as they unfold. This makes for a more laid back session which produces more relaxed images. We had a blast, Ayden could not have been better! He was locked onto the camera with amazing expressions. Many times I would say, "Ayden smile for me." Before I could get his name out he was working the camera. What a great time we had and hope to make some more images with their beautiful family.
Thanks Again!