Rebecca & Tony {MARRIED} | St. Michaels Wedding

Referrals are like your favorite food, once you have one you just can't stop! I met Becca and her mom at a local coffee shop which turn out to be an addiction stop for Becca (Sorry Becca but it is..... :-) )  We talked about the idea of the special day and how things would go and I was really excited to hear it because it sounded like such a well organized event. *We all know I love organized brides!* 
I had a chance to capture Becca and Tony together at a local barn on Tilghman Island.  I knew from that meeting these two were perfect for each other.  We had a blast and I got to meet their beautiful dogs as well! 
Let me tell you Becca and Tony know how to have fun!  We had a blast capturing their day and working with their friends and family.  Every detail of the wedding was situated and the bridal party was on point with having fun but getting things done for the special day. 

Becca & Tony: Congrats to the both of you and good luck in your future endeavors.